The Problem Mismo Works to Solve
Your company is required to create a safe, productive environment for your employees.
Employment-related violations have been the subject of the highest number of claims and lawsuits filed in the United States, both in state and federal courts. There is an ever-increasing number of formal allegations filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Department of Labor (DOL), and state and county-level governmental departments.
There are currently more than 200 federal and state laws and hundreds of regulations that apply to almost every relationship in the workplace.
The dominant employment-related issues in litigation are discrimination, harassment, hostile work environment, retaliation, and wage and hour violations. Together with similar state laws, federal employment laws have expanded employees’ rights in the workplace, affording new “causes of action” brought against employers and broader than ever rights of recovery.
EEOC Numbers
The number of claims and lawsuits by employees against their employers rises when the economy is down, and the number of employment-related claims is still on the rise according to the EEOC.
The numbers for 2020:
- Retaliation: 37,632 (55.8 percent of all charges filed)
- Disability: 24,324 (36.1 percent)
- Race: 22,064 (32.7 percent)
- Sex: 21,398 (31.7 percent)
- Age: 14,183 (21.0 percent)
- National Origin: 6,377 (9.5 percent)
- Color: 3,562 (5.3 percent)
- Religion: 2,404 (3.6 percent)
- Equal Pay Act: 980 (1.5 percent)
- Genetic Information: 440 (0.7 percent)
The EEOC secured a record amount of recovery in 2020, more than $535 million, for victims of discrimination.
The Average Costs of a Lawsuit
The average cost to businesses throughout the United States to settle or to pay a verdict on just one lawsuit for harassment or discrimination range from $250,000 to $2 million, not including attorneys fees. Given the ever-increasing number of lawsuits and formal claims, or high settlements and verdicts against employers, prove mandated training and compliance attempts have not given the results everyone thought they would in preventing claims and lawsuits by employees.